LPM 関連参考文献リスト

最終更新: [2000/02/28]

||Research||Oshiro Home||
||References||Reference (LPM)||Publications||

  1. "Rapid Anisotropic Diffusion Using Space-Variant Vision"
  2. "Developing Artificial Retina by Evolutionary cellular Automata and Self-organizing Neural Networks"
  3. "The Gesture-controlled Interactive games by Artificial Retina Chips"
  4. 「両眼像の対応を見いだす神経回路網のモデル」
  5. 「両眼視差抽出機構の神経回路網モデル」
  6. 「網膜の構造とその工学的応用」
  7. 「中心窩を有する新しい視覚センサの開発−広角高歪曲レンズの開発−」
  8. 「人間の網膜特性をもつ視覚センサ」
  9. 「情景中文字の検出のための動的2値化処理法」
  10. 「視野領域が機能分化した視覚系のモデル」
  11. 「剛体姿勢の実時間追跡」
  12. 「位置感覚と視覚の統合による感覚運動制御」-Helmholtz のホロプタの図-
  13. 「ホロプタを生じる空間知覚モデル」
  14. 「カメラの回転制御を伴う運動の追跡に関する一提案」-特集 産業応用を目指した制御理論・制御技術-
  15. 「2次元照合による3次元物体認識−パラメトリック固有空間法−」
  16. "Spatial Mapping in the Primate Sensory Projection: Analytic Structure and relevence to Perception"
  17. "Space Variant Image Processing"
  18. "Shape description with a space varient sensor: algorithm for scan path, fusion, and convergence over multiple scans"
  19. "Real-Time Vergence Control for Binocular Robots"
  20. "On the retino-cortical mapping"
  21. "Object Detection in Indoor Scenes Using Log-Polar Mapping"
  22. "Multiresolution Surface Modeling Based on Hierarchical Triangulation"
  23. "Motion Stereo Using Ego-Motion Complex Logarithmic Mapping"
  24. "Logarithmic Spiral Grids for Image Processing and Display"
  25. "Log-Polar Mapping Applied to Pattern Representation and Recognition"
  26. "Foveation, Log-Polar Mapping and Multiscale Approaches to Early Vision"-panel summary-
  27. "Estimation of depth from motion using an antropomorphic visual sensor"
  28. "Dynamic Aspects in Active Vision"
  29. "Driving Saccade to Pursuit using Image Motion"
  30. "Cortical anatomy, size invariance, and spatial frequency analysis"
  31. "Computational anatomy and functional architecture of strite cortex: a spatial mapping approach to perceptual coding"
  32. "Cepstral Filtering on a Columnar Image Architecture: A Fast Algorithm for Binocular Stereo Segmentation"
  33. "Binocular Tracking Based on Virtual Horopters"
  34. "Binocular Fusion Revisited Utilizing A Log-Polar Tessellation"
  35. "An Anthropomorphic Retina-like Structure for Scene Analysis"-NOTE-
  36. "A quantitative model of the function architecture of human strate cortex with apprication to visual illusion and cortical texture analysis"
  37. "A multifrequency channel decompositions of image and wavelet models"
  38. "A model of neural network extracting binocular parallax"
  39. "A Model of the Early Stages of the Human Visual System: Functional Topological Transformations Performed in the Peripheral Visual Field"
  40. "A Model for Size- and Rotation-Invariant Pattern Processing in the Visual System"
  41. "A Foveated Wide Angle Lens for Active Vision", Yasuo Kuniyoshi
  42. "A Foveated Retina for Robotic Vision"
  43. 「Log-Polar 画像から抽出したスペクトル特徴を用いた対象の大きさの変化に影響を受けにくい認識法−顔検出と顔識別への応用−」
  44. 「対数極座標変換された時系列画像中の注視物体追跡」

||Research||Oshiro Home||
||References||Reference (LPM)||Publications||

Mail-to: n-oshiro@tec.u-ryukyu.ac.jp