GNUPLOT demo: errorbar.dem
# $Id: errorbar.dem%v 1993/04/15 01:48:40 woo Exp woo $
# 31 Mar 1993 Modified by Daniel S. Lewart (
set xrange [-3:65]
set yrange [ 4:14]
set title "Demonstration of error bars (both ylow and yhigh, default format)"
plot "err.dat" with errorbars
pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
# this should look the same
set title "Demonstration of error bars (both ylow and yhigh)"
plot "err.dat" using 1:2:3:4 with errorbars
pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
set title "Demonstration of error bars (only ydelta)"
plot "err.dat" using 1:2:5 with errorbars
pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
set title "Plot data file twice to get lines and errorbars"
plot "err.dat" with lines, "err.dat" using 1:2:3:4 with errorbars
pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
set logscale y
set title "Demonstration of error bars (only ydelta) with y logscale"
plot [-3:65] [1:100] "err.dat" using 1:2:5 with errorbars
set nologscale y
pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
set logscale x
set title "Demonstration of error bars (only ydelta) with x logscale"
plot [1:100] [4:14] "err.dat" using 1:2:5 with errorbars
set nologscale x
pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
set autoscale
set nologscale
set title ""