#!/usr/local/bin/jperl # # info2www - Gateway between GNU Info nodes and WWW $id = '$Id: info2www,v 1.2 1994/07/28 15:39:38 lmdrsm Rel lmdrsm $'; # # This is a script conforming to the CGI - Common Gateway Interface # # Author: Roar Smith (lmdrsm@lmd.ericsson.se) # # Copyright: This program is in the Public Domain. # # The original code (most of &info2html) was written by # Eelco van Asperen (evas@cs.few.eur.nl). # # TODO: # ----- # * Present a list of choices when there is no exact match for the requested # Info file but multiple non-exact matches exist. # # * Use Tag Table to find possible file and offset. # # #----------------- CONFIGURATION ----------------------------------------------- # # Set $DEBUG = 1; to debug what's happening # $DEBUG = 0; # # INFOPATH is the path of direcories in which to search for Info node files. # @INFOPATH = ( "/usr/local/info", "/usr/share/info", "/usr/X11R6/info" ); # # ALLOWPATH specifies whether info files with may be specified with path-names # outside of those directories included in INFOPATH . # It is a possible security hole to set this variable to a true value, # because *any* file on the system could then be accessed through this gateway. $ALLOWPATH = 0; # # ALIAS is a map of aliases - look for the alias if the node itself isn't found. # The key (first entry) is the node filename, the value (second entry) is the # alias. Both are basenames (i.e. no path!) with no capital letters. # Note that the keys *must* be unique! # %ALIAS = ( 'emacs', 'lemacs', 'g++', 'gcc', 'c++', 'gcc', 'gunzip', 'gzip', 'zcat' , 'gzip', 'elisp', 'lispref' ); # # URL of the icons used for indicating references and stuff: # $INFO_ICON - Icon at the top left of each document # $UP_ICON - Icon used in an "Up:" hyperlink at the top # $NEXT_ICON - Icon used in a "Next:" hyperlink at the top # $PREV_ICON - Icon used in a "Prev:" hyperlink at the top # $MENU_ICON - Icon used in front of each menu label # # Set these to "" if you don't want them used. # $INFO_ICON = "/docs/info2www/infodoc.gif"; $UP_ICON = "/docs/info2www/up.gif"; $NEXT_ICON = "/docs/info2www/next.gif"; $PREV_ICON = "/docs/info2www/prev.gif"; $MENU_ICON = "/docs/info2www/menu.gif"; # # URL for documentation on info2www # # Set this to "" if you don't want it used. # $DOCREF = "/docs/info2www/info2www.html"; # # CACHE is the dbm(3) or ndbm(3) file for cacheing lookup information. # Set this to "" if you don't want it used. # The effective user of this script should have write permissions to # the directory in which the dbm files reside. # $CACHE = "/var/adm/info2www_cache"; # # These are the defines for file-locking with flock(2) # $LOCK_SH = 1; $LOCK_EX = 2; $LOCK_NB = 4; $LOCK_UN = 8; # Backgroud color $BGCOLOR='BGCOLOR="#fff8dc"'; #----------------- MAIN -------------------------------------------------------- print "Content-type: text/html\n"; #-- Mime header for NCSA httpd print "\n"; print "$id
\n" if $DEBUG; $pg = $0; $pg =~ s,^.*/([^/]*)$,$1,; ($version, $date) = ($id =~ m@,v\s+([0-9.]+)\s+([0-9/]+)@); $script_name = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; $server_name = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}; $request_method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; $prefix = $script_name . "?"; # prefix for HREF= entries if ($request_method ne 'GET') { die "REQUEST_MODE 'GET' expected - got '$request_method'\n"; } print "ARGV: ", join('+', @ARGV), "
\n" if $DEBUG; if ($#ARGV == -1) { $nodename = "(DIR)"; } else { $nodename = join('+', @ARGV); $nodename = &DeEscape($nodename); } print "nodename: ", $nodename, "
\n" if $DEBUG; &info2html($nodename); if ($DOCREF) { print "
\n", "automatically generated by ", "$pg", " version $version\n"; } else { print "
\n", "automatically generated by ", "$pg", " version $version\n"; } print "\n"; exit(0); #----------------- SUBROUTINES ------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------ # ToPattern #------------------------------------------------------------ # This procedure transforms a string in a search pattern, # escaping the non standard characters. #------------------------------------------------------------ sub ToPattern{ local($Tag) = @_; local(@Temp); @Temp = split(/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/,$Tag); $Tag = ""; for $x (@Temp){ $x = ($x =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/) ? '\\'.$x : $x; $Tag .= $x; } $Tag; } #--------------------------------------------------------- # Escape #--------------------------------------------------------- # This procedures escapes some special characeters. The # escape sequence follows the WWW guide for escaped # characters in URLs #--------------------------------------------------------- sub Escape{ local($Tag) = @_; $Tag =~ s/%/%25/g; # % $Tag =~ s/[ \n]+/%20/g; # space(s) and/or newline(s) $Tag =~ s/\+/%2B/g; # + return $Tag; } #---------------------------------------------------------- # DeEscape #---------------------------------------------------------- sub DeEscape{ local($Tag) = @_; $Tag =~ s/\\([][(){}|?*\\])/$1/g; return $Tag; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # info2html # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub info2html { local($nodename) = @_; local($next_img, $prev_img, $up_img); local($cachefound); # Nodename looks like one of these: # (file)label - Both file and label of the Info node given # (file) - Label defaults to "Top" # - File defaults to "DIR", Label defaults to "Top" $matches = 0; $blank = 0; if ($nodename =~ /^\(([^\)]*)\)(.+)$/) { ($file, $node) = ($1, $2); } elsif ($nodename =~ /^\(([^\)]*)\)$/) { ($file, $node) = ($1, "Top"); } elsif (!$nodename) { ($file, $node) = ("DIR", "Top"); } else { print "Malformed node name: $nodename\n"; return(0); } $target = $node; $target =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; $target =~ s/%20/ /g; $target =~ s/<\;//g; $target = &ToPattern($target); $file =~ s/<\;//g; print "nodename: $nodename\nfile: $file\ntarget: $target\n" if $DEBUG; $info_img = "\"\" " if $INFO_ICON; $next_img = "\"\" " if $NEXT_ICON; $prev_img = "\"\" " if $PREV_ICON; $up_img = "\"\" " if $UP_ICON; $nfiles = 0; $cachefound = 0; if ($CACHE) { $cachefound = &TryCache("($file)$target"); } if (!$cachefound) { print "
FindFile...\n" if $DEBUG; ($directory, $basefile) = &FindFile($file); if (!$directory) { &error("Couldn't find Info file \"$file\"."); return(0); } &OpenFile($basefile) || return(0); } $active = 0; $seenMenu = 0; $indirect = 0; $inentry = 0; $lastblank = 0; FileLoop: for (; $nfiles > 0; ) { local($handle) = "FH_$nfiles"; print "
--now reading from $handle--\n" if $DEBUG; if ($basefile) { $h_file = $basefile; } elsif ($realfile{$handle}) { $h_file = $realfile{$handle}; $h_file =~ s,.*/([^/])$,$1,; $h_file =~ s,.*/(.*)-[0-9]+$,$1,; } while (<$handle>) { chop; s/&/&\;/g; s//>\;/g; #study; # Doesn't seem to help or hurt! /^[\037\f]/ && do { &EndMenu(); &EndListing(); if ($active) { close($handle); print "
Closed file $handle\n" if $DEBUG; return(1); } $active = 0; $seenMenu = 0; $indirect = 0; $inentry = 0 if $inentry; $inentry++; $pos = tell() - length($_) - 1; next; }; next if ($inentry == 0); $lastblank = $blank; $blank = 0; /^$/ && do { if ($active) { print "\n"; } elsif ($menu == 0) { print; } $blank = 1; next; }; ($inentry == 1) && do { # top line: # File: info, Node: Add, Up: Top, Prev: Expert, Next: Menus /^tag table:/i && do { # we don't use the tag table $inentry = 0; next; }; /^indirect:/i && do { # this entry is a list of filenames to include: # # gcc.info-1: 1131 # gcc.info-2: 49880 # gcc.info-3: 99426 $inentry++; $indirect++; next; }; # # Parse the header line. If one of the fields # Node: Up: Next: Previous: File: # is found, then a variable 'h_node' is set for # the field 'node:', 'h_next' for 'next:', etc. # undef $h_node; undef $h_file; undef $h_next; undef $h_prev; undef $h_up; /\bfile: *([^ ,\t]*)/i && do { $h_file = $1; }; /\bnode: *([^,\t]*)/i && do { $h_node = $1; $h_node =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces }; /\bup: *([^,\t]*)/i && do { $h_up = $1; $h_up =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces }; /\bprevious: *([^,\t]*)/i && do { $h_prev = $1; $h_prev =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces }; /\bprev: *([^,\t]*)/i && do { $h_prev = $1; $h_prev =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces }; /\bnext: *([^,\t]*)/i && do { $h_next = $1; $h_next =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces }; print "--h_node: $h_node--

\n" if $DEBUG; $n = 0; if ($h_node =~ m/^$target$/i) { $active = 1; $matches++; if ($CACHE && !$cachefound) { &UpdateCache("($file)$target", $pos, $realfile{$handle}); } print "\n", "", "", "Info Node: ($h_file)$h_node", "\n", "


\n", "
\n"; if (defined $h_next) { print "Next: ", "", &make_anchor($h_next, "$next_img$h_next"), " "; $n++; } if (defined $h_prev) { print "Prev: ", "", &make_anchor($h_prev, "$prev_img$h_prev"), " "; $n++; } if (defined $h_up) { print "Up: ", "", &make_anchor($h_up, "$up_img$h_up"), " "; $n++; } } print "\n
\n" if $n; $inentry++; &StartListing(); next; }; ($inentry == 2) && $indirect && do { # each line of this entry consists of two fields, # a filename and an offset, separated by a colon. # For example: # texinfo-1: 1077 local(@F) = split(/:/); print "#include $F[0]

\n" if $DEBUG; # should save: $inentry $indirect $save_inentry[$nfiles] = $inentry; $save_indirect[$nfiles] = $indirect; $inentry = 0; $indirect = 0; &OpenFile($F[0]) || return(0); next FileLoop; }; next if $active == 0; if (($end) = /^\*\s+Menu:(.*)$/) { # start of a menu: $seenMenu = 1; &EndListing(); print "$end"; &StartMenu(); next; }; /^\*/ && do { #---- SAMPLE LINES: ----------------------------------------- # * Sample::. Sample info. # # * Info: (info). Documentation browsing system. # # * Bison: (bison/bison) # A Parser generator in the same style as yacc. # * Random: (Random) Random Random Number Generator #------------------------------------------------------------ if ($menu == 0 && $seenMenu) { &EndListing(); &StartMenu(); }; # * foo:: /^\*\s+([^:]+)::/ && do { $rest_of_line = $'; print "

", &make_anchor($1, $1, $MENU_ICON), "
"; $rest_of_line =~ s/^[\s\.]+//; print $rest_of_line, "\n"; next; }; # * foo: (bar)beer OR (bar) /^\*\s+([^:]+):\s+\(([^\) \t\n]+)\)([^\t\n\.,]*)/ && do { $rest_of_line = $'; print "
", &make_anchor("($2)$3",$1, $MENU_ICON), "
"; $rest_of_line =~ s/^[\s\.]+//; print $rest_of_line, "\n"; next; }; # * foo: beer. /^\*\s+([^:]+):\s+([^\t,\n\.]+)/ && do { $rest_of_line = $'; print "
", &make_anchor($2, $1, $MENU_ICON), "
", $2, ". "; $rest_of_line =~ s/^[\s\.]+//; print $rest_of_line, "\n"; next; }; # no match: ignore silently }; $menu && $lastblank && do { &EndMenu(); &StartListing(); }; $menu && do { s/^\s+//; }; /\*note/i && do { # cross reference entry: # "*note nodename::." # "*note Cross-reference-name: nodename." local($n) = 0; while (1) { # *note \nfoo... (reference split over newline) if (/\*note\s*$/i) { $_ .= "\n" . <$handle>; # Merge with next line chop; } # *note foo\nbar... (reference split over newline) if (/\*note\s+[^:\.]+$/i) { $_ .= "\n" . <$handle>; # Merge with next line chop; } # *note foo: bar\nbleh... (reference split over newline) if (/\*note\s+[^:\.]+:\s+[^:\.\t]+$/i) { $_ .= "\n" . <$handle>; # Merge with next line chop; } # *note foo: if (/\*note(\s+)([^:\.]+)::/i) { s//\@\@\@NOTE\@\@\@/; # insert unique (I hope) marker local($spc, $ref, $lbl) = ($1, $2, $2); local($note) = "Note:$spc"; $note .= &make_anchor($ref, $lbl); s/\@\@\@NOTE\@\@\@/$note/; $n++; next; } # * foo: (bar)beer OR (bar) if (/\*note(\s+)([^:]+):\s+\(([^\) \t\n]+)\)([^\t\.,]*)(.?)/i) { s//\@\@\@NOTE\@\@\@/; # insert unique (I hope) marker local($spc, $ref, $lbl) = ($1, "($3)$4", "$2$5"); local($nl) = ($ref =~ /\n/) ? "\n" : ""; local($note) = "Note:$spc"; $note .= &make_anchor($ref, $lbl); s/\@\@\@NOTE\@\@\@/$note$nl/; $n++; next; } # * foo: beer. if (/\*note(\s+)([^:]+):\s+([^\t,\.]+)(.?)/i) { s//\@\@\@NOTE\@\@\@/; # insert unique (I hope) marker local($spc, $ref, $lbl) = ($1, $3, "$2$4"); local($nl) = ($ref =~ /\n/) ? "\n" : ""; local($note) = "Note:$spc"; $note .= &make_anchor($ref, $lbl); s/\@\@\@NOTE\@\@\@/$note$nl/; $n++; next; } last; } # if ($n > 0) { # local($l) = $listing; # &EndListing() if $l; # print "$_\n"; # &StartListing() if $l; # next; # } }; print "$_\n"; } &EndMenu(); # clear status variables; $active = 0; $seenMenu = 0; $indirect = 0; $inentry = 0; $lastblank = 0; print "--end of file $handle--

\n" if $DEBUG; close($handle); print "
Closed file $handle\n" if $DEBUG; $nfiles--; $inentry = $save_inentry[$nfiles]; $indirect = $save_indirect[$nfiles]; print "--inentry: $inentry--indirect: $indirect--

\n" if $DEBUG; last if $matches; } if (!$matches) { &error("Couldn't find target: \"$target\" in file \"$file\"."); if ($cachefound) { &UpdateCache("($file)$target"); } } return $matches; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub make_anchor { local($ref, $label, $icon) = @_; local($node_file, $node_name, $img, $href); print "--make_anchor($ref, $label)
\n" if $DEBUG; # (foo)bar if ($ref =~ m/\(([^\)]+)\)\s*([^\t,\.]*)/) { $node_file = $1; $node_name = $2; } elsif ($file =~ /^dir$/i) { print "--(DIR) node - Menu \"@_\" means \"($ref)\"
\n" if $DEBUG; $node_file = $ref; $node_name = ""; } else { $node_file = $h_file; $node_name = $ref; } $node_name =~ s/[ ]*$//; if ($node_name ne "") { $href = &Escape("$prefix($node_file)$node_name"); } else { $href = &Escape("$prefix($node_file)"); } if ($icon) { $img = "\"\*\" "; } return "$img$label"; } sub StartMenu { print "\n

" if $active; $menu = 1; } sub EndMenu { if ($menu) { print "
\n" if $active; $menu = 0; } } sub StartListing { print "
\n" if $active;

sub EndListing {
    if ($listing) {
	print "
\n" if $active; $listing--; } } sub FindFile { local($filename) = @_; local($dir, $fil); print "
", "FindFile: '$filename'\n" if $DEBUG; ($dir, $fil) = &FindFileNoAlias($filename); if ($dir) { return $dir, $fil; } # Try a possible alias... $fil = $filename; $fil =~ s/[-\.]info(\.gz)?$//; $fil =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $filename = $ALIAS{$fil}; print "
", "\$", "ALIAS{", $fil, "} = ", $filename, "\n" if $DEBUG; if ($filename) { print "
Trying with the alias \"$filename\"...\n" if $DEBUG; return &FindFileNoAlias($filename); } else { # Bummer - no alias return; } } sub FindFileNoAlias { local($filename) = @_; local($altfilename) = $filename; local(@filelist) = (); local($dir, $fil); local($regex, $altregex); if ($filename =~ /\.info$/) { $altfilename =~ s/\.info$//; } elsif ($filename =~ /-info$/) { $altfilename =~ s/-info$/.info/; } else { $altfilename =~ s/$/.info/; } print "
FindFileNoAlias: '$filename', Alt='$altfilename'\n" if $DEBUG; $regex = &ToPattern($filename); $altregex = &ToPattern($altfilename); # Try absolute match for $filename... if ($filename =~ /\//) { ($dir, $fil) = ($filename =~ m,(.*)/([^/]*),); if ($ALLOWPATH || grep($_ eq $dir, @INFOPATH)) { print "
Trying absolute match for \"$filename\"...\n" if $DEBUG; if (-e "$filename" || -e "$filename.gz") { return $dir, $fil; } print "
Trying absolute match for \"$altfilename\"...\n" if $DEBUG; if (-e "$altfilename" || -e "$filename.gz") { ($dir, $fil) = ($altfilename =~ m,(.*)/([^/]*),); return $dir, $fil; } $file =~ s,^.*/([^/]*)$,$1,; $filename =~ s,^.*/([^/]*)$,$1,; $altfilename =~ s,^.*/([^/]*)$,$1,; print "
Stripped path from filename: $filename\n" if $DEBUG; } elsif (!$ALLOWPATH) { print "
Warning: Absolute path-names not allowed!\n" if $DEBUG; $file =~ s,^.*/([^/]*)$,$1,; $filename =~ s,^.*/([^/]*)$,$1,; $altfilename =~ s,^.*/([^/]*)$,$1,; print "
Stripped path from filename: $filename\n" if $DEBUG; } } # Try exact match for $filename in all directories... print "
Trying exact match for \"$filename\"...\n" if $DEBUG; foreach (@INFOPATH) { if (-e "$_/$filename" || -e "$_/$filename.gz") { return $_, $filename; } } # Try exact match for $altfilename in all directories... print "
Trying exact match for \"$altfilename\"...\n" if $DEBUG; foreach (@INFOPATH) { if (-e "$_/$altfilename" || -e "$_/$altfilename.gz") { return $_, $altfilename; } } # Try caseless match for $filename in all directories... print "
Trying caseless match for \"$filename\"...\n" if $DEBUG; @filelist = (); foreach (@INFOPATH) { $dir = $_; opendir(DIR, $dir); push (@filelist, sort grep(s/^/$dir\//, grep(/^$regex$/i, readdir(DIR)))); closedir(DIR); } if ($#filelist > 0) { # Multiple matches...present list or just return one item? ($dir, $fil) = ($filelist[0] =~ m,(.*)/([^/]*),); return $dir, $fil; } elsif ($#filelist == 0) { ($dir, $fil) = ($filelist[0] =~ m,(.*)/([^/]*),); return $dir, $fil; } # Try caseless match for $altfilename in all directories... print "
Trying caseless match for \"$altfilename\"...\n" if $DEBUG; @filelist = (); foreach (@INFOPATH) { $dir = $_; opendir(DIR, $dir); push (@filelist, sort grep(s/^/$dir\//, grep(/^$altregex$/i, readdir(DIR)))); closedir(DIR); } if ($#filelist > 0) { # Multiple matches...present list or just return one item? ($dir, $fil) = ($filelist[0] =~ m,(.*)/([^/]*),); return $dir, $fil; } elsif ($#filelist == 0) { ($dir, $fil) = ($filelist[0] =~ m,(.*)/([^/]*),); return $dir, $fil; } # Bummer - no matches at all return; } sub OpenFile { local($filename) = @_; local($alternate, $handle); $nfiles++; $handle = "FH_$nfiles"; if ($filename =~ /\//) { ($directory, $filename) = ($filename =~ m,(.*)/([^/]*),); } $realfile{$handle} = "$directory/$filename"; $success = 0; print "

Trying to open file ", "\"$filename\" in directory \"$directory\" ...\n" if $DEBUG; if (open($handle, "$directory/$filename") || open($handle, "zcat $directory/${filename}.gz|")) { print "

Opened file \"$directory/$filename\"\n" if $DEBUG; return(1); } else { print "

Could not open file", "\"$filename\" in directory \"$directory\".\n" if "$DEBUG"; return(0); } } sub TryCache { local($cachekey) = @_; local($handle, $line, $h_node); local($cachevalue, $cachepos, $cachefile, $cachedir, $newkey); print "
Trying cached entry for \"$cachekey\"...\n" if $DEBUG; if ($CACHE && &LockCache()) { if (dbmopen(%cache, $CACHE, 0644)) { $cachevalue = $cache{$cachekey}; dbmclose(%cache); &UnLockCache(); } else { $CACHE = ""; &UnLockCache(); return(0); } } else { $CACHE = ""; return(0); } if (!$cachevalue) { if ($cachekey =~ m,\(.*/.*\).*,) { $newkey = $cachekey; $newkey =~ s,^\(.*/([^/\)]*)\),($1),; return(&TryCache($newkey)); } else { return(0); } } print "
Cached entry found: " if $DEBUG; ($cachepos, $cachefile) = split("\0", $cachevalue); print "$cachepos in \"$cachefile\"\n" if $DEBUG; if ($cachefile =~ /\//) { $cachedir = $cachefile; $cachedir =~ s,(.*)/[^/]*$,$1,; if (!$ALLOWPATH && !grep($_ eq $cachedir, @INFOPATH)) { print "
Warning: Absolute path-names not allowed!\n" if $DEBUG; &UpdateCache($cachekey); return(0); } } if (!&OpenFile($cachefile)) { &UpdateCache($cachekey); return(0); } $handle = "FH_$nfiles"; print "
--now reading from $handle--\n" if $DEBUG; if (!seek($handle, $cachepos, 0)) { close($handle); &UpdateCache($cachekey); return(0); } print "
Position: $cachepos\n" if $DEBUG; if ($line = <$handle>) { chop($line); $line =~ s/&/&\;/g; $line =~ s//>\;/g; print("
line: <", $line, ">\n") if $DEBUG; if ($line =~ /^[\037\f]/) { print "
Found node-start\n" if $DEBUG; if ($line = <$handle>) { chop($line); $line =~ s/&/&\;/g; $line =~ s//>\;/g; print("
line: <", $line, ">\n") if $DEBUG; if ($line =~ /\bnode: *([^,\t]*)/i) { $h_node = $1; $h_node =~ s/\s+$//; # delete trailing spaces if ($h_node =~ m/^$target$/i) { print "
Found the node!\n" if $DEBUG; seek($handle, $cachepos, 0); print("
", tell, "\n") if $DEBUG; return(1); } } } } } &UpdateCache($cachekey); close($handle); return(0); } sub UpdateCache { local($key, $pos, $file) = @_; local($value); if ($CACHE && &LockCache()) { if (dbmopen(%cache, $CACHE, 0644)) { if ($pos && $file) { $cache{$key} = join("\0", $pos, $file); print "
cache{$key} set to: $pos in \"$file\"\n" if $DEBUG; } else { delete $cache{$key}; print "
cache{$key} deleted\n" if $DEBUG; } dbmclose(%cache); &UnLockCache(); return(1); } else { $CACHE = ""; &UnLockCache(); return(0); } } else { $CACHE = ""; return(0); } } sub LockCache { local($file) = $CACHE . ".lock"; if (!open(LOCKFILE, ">$file")) { print "
Couldn't open CACHE lockfile \"$file\"\n" if $DEBUG; print "
Reason: $!\n" if $DEBUG; return(0); } if (!flock(LOCKFILE, $LOCK_EX)) { print "
Couldn't lock CACHE lockfile \"$file\"\n" if $DEBUG; print "
Reason: $!\n" if $DEBUG; close(LOCKFILE); return(0); } print "
Locked CACHE lockfile \"$file\"\n" if $DEBUG; return(1); } sub UnLockCache { local($file) = $CACHE . ".lock"; if (!flock(LOCKFILE, $LOCK_UN)) { print "
Couldn't unlock CACHE lockfile \"$file\"\n" if $DEBUG; print "
Reason: $!\n" if $DEBUG; close(LOCKFILE); return(0); } close(LOCKFILE); print "
Unlocked CACHE lockfile \"$file\"\n" if $DEBUG; return(1); } sub error { local($reason) = @_; print "Lookup Error

Lookup Error

Can't retrieve your request - $reason\n"; return(0); } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------